Wednesday, January 22, 2020 / by Shannon Eagan
Realtor® Magazine's 2020 Economic Outlook

Unemployment is projected to remain steady throughout 2020.

"Low mortgage rates make purchasing a home more affordable, especially among the 46.5 million 25-34 year olds who made up last year's largest segment of home buyers"

"Lack of housing inventory has been the primary constraint on the housing market. The housing supply is expected to improve this year, with housing starts expected to hit 1.42 million, up from 1.27 million last year."

"In the commercial market space, investors are expected to pay a premium for multifamily, industrial and warehouse properties because of low rental vacant rates and the sustained demand for e-commerce sales. Cap rates for these properties will likely remain historically low due to the premium for these properties over other assets like offices and retail malls."
Whether you're interested in buyer, selling, investing or renting, the Yancey Realty team is just a call away at 704.467.8877.
For the full Realtor® Magazine article, visit